Thursday, December 16, 2010

circle concepts

Angle c is right because if a side on a triangle inside the circle(inscribed triangle) is the diameter the triangle is always a right triangle. 

Some examples of circle concepts:

The straight green lines outside of the circle are tangent lines because they touch exactly one point on the circle, the faint line connecting points of tangency is a chord which is a line connecting any two points in the circle without crossing the diameter.  
angle a and angle b are congruent because they catch the same arc which is the pink part of the circle.

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Angle c,b and a are all central angles because they are all in the center of the angle.
Angle a is the inscribed angle which is catches one point anywhere on the circumference of the circle.

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line pba is secant because it is a chord that extends outside the cirlce. 

Friday, November 12, 2010


The past few weeks my 5/6 geometry class has been going over quadrilaterals.  A quadrilateral is a 2 dimensional polygon that has 4 straight sides.  The shapes we learned about was a parallelogram(1), rhombus(2), square(3), trapezoid(4), kite(5), rectangle(6).  Each shape has it's special properties but also shares these properties with each other.
(1) The parallelogram has opposite angles congruent, opposite sides are congruent and parallel and diagonals bisect.
 (2) The rhombus's diagonals bisect each other at 90 degrees and all sides are equal.
        (4) The trapezoid has one pair of opposite sides parallel.

            (5) The diagonals of kite which bisects each other at right angles to form 90 degrees, longer sides of a kite are congruent and the smaller sides of the kite are congruent and the longer diagonal bisects the smaller diagonal. 
        (6) angles measures 90 degrees, opposite sides are parallel, opposite sides are equal, Its diagonals are equal, diagonals bisect each other.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Geo 5/6 review

         Last couple of weeks my 5th 6th period class has been reviewing over relative error and different methods of measurments of trangles and equilaterals(pic below). we also were working more with geogabra.  these topics we have been going over with is not too much trouble for me.  so far class has been not bad and productive.the formula (n-2)180 defines how to find the sum of all angles in an n-polygon. for example a hexagon has six sides but you dont know how to find the sum of all together, plug in 6 for n and solve.  Also we have learned how to find a\exterior angles of a polygon, extend a adjcent side and measure that angle. 
             Last couple of days we have been going over 4 tiangle measurements such as bisector, midsegment,perpendicular bisector,median,altitude.  Bisector is a line segment that is divided into two equal parts(1).  Perpendicular bisector is a segment into two qual parts at 90 degrees(2).  Median segment that joins a vertex at opposite midpoint(3).  Altittude line through vertex perpendicular to the opposite side(4).

Friday, October 1, 2010

Last couple of weeks my 5th 6th period class has been reviewing over relative error,real minus yours divided by real times hundred, and different methods of measurments of trangles and equilaterals(pic above). we also were working more with geogabra.  these topics we have been going over with is not too much trouble for me.  so far class has been not bad and productive.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

past two weeks

in geometry class we have been reviewing simple methods and formulas such as the the Pythagorean theorem and factorials, and so far it has not been too difficult.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

geometry class

Friday we learned how to blog and how to subscribe to others bloggers including my classmates' blogs through Google reader.